The right moment for live grenades



Neo-Austropop with casual charm

Hang on a moment – how long does a moment last? The Styrian charmers from GRANADA give us the answer in the form of their fourth studio album “1.30”. Yet this neo-Austropop band not only knows how to inspire for 90 seconds, but also creates countless moments that are seared into your heart and mind. After all, subtle dialect lyrics are perfectly combined with Mediterranean lightness and an honest charm. Watch out: you’re at risk of falling in love! The energetic quintet from Graz manages to combine the snotty attitude of the Viennese song with musical influences from Styria and beats from the Balkans, all while wrapping their audience around their little finger. 

This is more than just “Eh OK”, to quote one of Granada’s many hits.

The explosive duo pumps out catchy tunes and are truly sensational live: the creators behind hits such as “Ottakring”, “Palmen am Balkon” and “Liebe Grüße aus Graz” wanted to prove this on the Tanzcafé Festival stage in Lech in 2024, but they had to cancel their gig due to illness. Fortunately, now the time is right to relish relaxed live moments in Lech. Let Granada play!


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